The First Flame

The First Flame

In the age of endless night and unyielding cold, Torak, a humble caveman, stumbles upon the mesmerizing dance of sparks igniting a flame. This chance discovery revolutionizes life for the Drimak tribe, turning night into day, warding off predators, and introducing the magic of cooked meals. As word spreads, Torak becomes an unexpected hero, sharing the power of fire with tribes near and far. Dive into this captivating tale of innovation, unity, and the spark that ignited the spirit of humankind. Witness the dawn of civilization and the legacy of the flame that forever changed the world.

The Price of Loyalty

Elisabeth Bauer - The Price of Loyalty

Chapter 1 Elisabeth Bauer was born into a wealthy family in Germany in 1910. Her father, Hans Bauer, was a successful businessman who owned several factories in the Ruhr Valley, and her mother, Ingrid Bauer, was a socialite who spent her days attending luncheons and tea parties with other high society women. Elisabeth was the … Read more

The Last Samurai

The Last Samurai

It was the year 1867 in Japan, and the country was in a state of transition. The Meiji Restoration was underway, and the samurai class was struggling to adapt to the new changes. For Hideo, a young samurai from a small village, the changes meant uncertainty and fear. His family had served the local lord … Read more