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Polka-Dot Zebra

In the heart of the African savannah, there lived a zebra unlike any other. Instead of the typical black and white stripes, this zebra had polka dots of every color under the sun. Some zebras laughed and pointed at him, calling him a freak of nature. But others, like a young giraffe named George, saw the polka-dot zebra’s uniqueness as a reason to celebrate.

George and the polka-dot zebra became fast friends, exploring the savannah and discovering new wonders at every turn. They would run through fields of wildflowers, leaping over rocks and streams, their laughter ringing out across the plains.

Despite the ridicule from some of the other animals, the polka-dot zebra never let it get him down. He knew that he was different, but he also knew that his differences made him special. And he found that the more he embraced his uniqueness, the more friends he made.

One day, as the polka-dot zebra and George were out exploring, they came across a pack of hyenas. The hyenas were notorious bullies, and they immediately set their sights on the polka-dot zebra.

They surrounded him, baring their sharp teeth and growling menacingly. But the polka-dot zebra stood his ground, his head held high.

“You may think I’m strange because of my polka dots,” he said. “But I’m still a zebra, just like you. And I won’t let you bully me or anyone else just because we’re different.”

The hyenas were taken aback by the polka-dot zebra’s confidence and bravery. They had never seen a zebra stand up to them before. And slowly but surely, they backed away, slinking back into the shadows.

From that day on, the polka-dot zebra became a legend on the savannah. Animals of all shapes and sizes would come to see him and marvel at his unique polka-dot coat. And though some still teased and ridiculed him, he knew that he was loved and accepted by those who mattered most.

In the end, the polka-dot zebra taught everyone a valuable lesson about acceptance and friendship. He showed that it didn’t matter what you looked like or where you came from – what mattered most was the kindness and love in your heart. And that was something that everyone could appreciate.

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