The Whispers of the Woods

Whispers of the Woods

As I wandered deeper into the woods, the rustling of leaves under my feet became the only sound I could hear. The branches above me swayed in the gentle breeze and the sun peeked through the canopy, casting spots of light on the forest floor. But as I stopped to catch my breath, I heard something else. A faint whisper, like the wind speaking secrets to the trees. I couldn’t quite make out the words, but I felt a sense of calm wash over me. It was as if the woods themselves were trying to tell me something, something important. I closed my eyes and listened, letting the whispers guide me deeper into the heart of the forest.

Lost in the Woods – Chapter 5

Boy and girl watching shadow over forest

They were standing close enough together while leaning slightly against each other that Bobby felt completely comfortable simply remaining silent as Karen gazed out across the treetops for several minutes without saying anything further: It wasn’t until Bobby decided he’d had enough time alone with her on this peaceful evening when he started to notice … Read more

Lost in the Woods – Chapter 3

Boy sitting by tree

Bobby sat alone within the large tree and continued to look out across the surrounding area. His legs had become quite numb during the few minutes that he’d been sitting here staring at this point; his body had gone through more changes than he could count since his first visit to The Hidden World almost … Read more