Home » Poetry » The Long Dark Road on Halloween

The Long Dark Road on Halloween

It was dark and stormy on an Autumn night,

Visions of Halloween floated across the sky.

They walked along the dark road, bags in hand,

The cool air whispered past.

“I’ll just go ahead,” said the man. “I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep.”

And so he left her there, alone.

She watched him leave her there, alone.

She walked up and down the long, dark road.

He never returned and she did not care,

For in that place, it seemed to be,

Where they had walked and talked and kissed and kissed,

She had seen what she had been.

“I can’t believe he never came back,” said the girl.

And so she stayed there, alone.

She stood upon the long, dark road.

And looked out over the empty land.

The moon and stars shone down on her.

She had finally found the place,

Where she had gone inside the magic ring.

She heard the horses coming, loud and strong,

And saw their eyes like fire in the night.

She held out her hands and cried, “Please, don’t kill me!”

Jack-o-lantern on the long, dark road
Jack-o-lantern on the long, dark road.

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